


Accept House    -谷中の家-


Accept House

外観 / facade

道路から / From the road

アプローチ / approach

家庭菜園 / Home gardening

エントランスより / From the entrance

キッチンと階段 / Kitchen and stairs

ダイニングと庭 / Kitchen and stairs

リビングと庭先 / Living room and garden

1階 / 1st floor

にぎやかなキッチン / Fun Kitchen

2階通路 / Second floor corridor

間仕切りのあるベッドルーム/ Partitionable bedroom

書斎から / From the workroom

本棚と洗面 / Bookshelf and bathroom

開放的なバスルーム/ Open bathroom

明るいサニタリー / Bright Sanitary

景色のいい3階 / 3rd floor with a great view

アトリエでありゲストルーム / Atelier and guest room

谷中の街並みに溶け込む / Blending into the Yanaka streetscape

通路の奥の明かり / Light at the end of the passage

玄関 / entrance

街との高低差が距離となる / The difference in elevation from the city determines the distance


Planning Point

✔ 1 長いアプローチと敷地形状

✔ 2 フロアごとに変わる景色

✔ 3 住まい手の日常を受け止める家であること


✔ 1. Long approach and site shape

✔ 2. Different views on each floor

✔ 3. A home that can accept the various daily lives of the clients



A house that “accept both the town and lifestyle”


This is a private residence built in the streets of Yanaka. The couple, who have lived abroad for a long time, liked the town of Yanaka and this view, and moved here several years ago. The husband works abroad for more than half of his daily life, so the wife, who has a variety of hobbies, lives naturally with her cat. The site is on top of a 6m retaining wall, and the approach to it is up stairs and a walkway. It is a house on a cliff. The exterior, which can be seen from the surroundings, has walls and windows arranged in a multifaceted manner. Each floor has a balcony, and each room has a pleasant view. The first floor of the high-ceilinged one-room apartment has a living room, kitchen, and dining table. On the second floor, there is a cozy bathroom like a room, an open bedroom with a good view and good ventilation, and a workroom where you can stay. The third floor is an atelier with a great view. A house with each place arranged in each place. They love creation, animals, and nature. As a house that accepts the uniqueness of the couple, we aimed for a house that is not an easy-to-understand concept, but like the town of Yanaka, which accepts diversity. When I visited the house six months after they had started living there, it was filled with their uniqueness.





構造/規模:木造在来構法 地上3階 






